Paying for a Tabor College education is affordable!
We work hard to make the Tabor educational experience affordable for you through institutional and state grants and scholarships, federal grants and loans, private loans, and on-campus employment.
What does Tabor offer?
Average annual cost vs. KCAC schools
- At $22,604, Tabor College carries one of the lowest average annual cost of all KCAC schools and is one of the state’s most affordable four-year institutions. Data courtesy of
Nearly full tuition coverage
- Students with full Pell eligibility can apply for the Ad Astra Scholarship, which offers nearly full tuition coverage! In or out-of-state students are eligible.
100% of students receive financial aid
- We work hard to make the Tabor College educational experience affordable through institutional and state grants and scholarships, federal grants and loans, private loans, and on-campus employment.
Generous scholarships
- With over $14 million given in scholarships in 2023-24, Tabor College has options for students of any interest. Endowed scholarships are also available for students who meet set criteria. Learn more at
400 S. Jefferson
Hillsboro, KS 67063
Phone: (620) 947-3121
Fax: (620) 947-6276
Step #1
Complete the Tabor College admission process
Step #2
Complete the FAFSA (School Code 001946)
Step #3
Check out the other Tabor scholarships and grants
Step #4
Research & apply for other scholarships
Step #5
Request a scholarship estimate
Step #6
Complete the Entrance Counseling Session
Step #7
Complete the Direct Master Promissory Note
Financial Aid Deadlines
- For maximum aid, we recommend filing the FAFSA as soon as possible after Oct. 1.
- Kansans, submit your FAFSA and apply for state aid by April 1.
- If needed, learn about correcting or updating your FAFSA.
2024-25 Financial Information Booklet
Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements
Need Help?
Contact if you have any questions. Our Financial Aid team is here to help!